jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Daily Routines - Rutinas Diarias

Hi guys! Welcome back to another publication of the Blog!

En está ocasión hablaremos de las Daily Routines o Rutinas diarias, como puedes adivinar las Daily Routines sirven para hablar sobre lo que hacemos diariamente, trabajar, estudiar, ver la TV, etc.

Dichas actividades las realizamos en diferentes momentos del días como puede ser la mañana (in the morning), la tarde (in the afternoon), la tarde noche (in the evening), y la noche (at night).

Pero no solo eso, también podemos mencionar a que hora en concreto de realizamos dicha acción, recuerda que debes de usar la partícula "AT" seguido de la hora en la que realizamos la acción.

Por último podemos mencionar lo frecuente que realizamos una acción, para ello usamos los adverbios de frecuencia (the adverbs of frecuency), de ese modo señalaremos por ejemplo si estudiamos cada día o si vemos a menudo la TV.

Dicho todo esto veamos un poco de vocabulario gráfico y un ejemplo de una rutina redactada.

Cristian's Routine

In the morning, I wake up and I usually get up at about at 8:00, yes, it is quite early. Then I brush my teeth and I take my brother to his school, we leave our home at 8:45 more or less.

After when we arrive to school,  I come back and when I arrive my home I have breakfast, this is at about at 9:20, later of breakfast I go up to my room and I tidy up my room, then I frequently study or listen to pop music or the Capital London (one station of radio), more later at 10:30, I always prepare to go to gym with my friend Antonio, then of train in the gym, I take a shower and then we go to my house to study together.

In the afternoon, at about at 1:45, I go again to school, when my brother leaves the school I take him and we come back together to our house, we arrived our house about 2:20 more or less, I have lunch and later I study English in my room while I listen to music, yeah I can study with music. Maybe I can watch English films, but I usually study a little during 2 or 3 hours, I read books, listen to podcast, music, I watch films, etc.

In the evening, I talk with Antonio for if we want do anything, often we go to house of a friend our, his name is Francisco but Antonio call him Paca and I call him Paquin, in the house of Paquin we talk of anything, politics, sports, music, videos, etc. Also we plan that we will do the next weekend.

At night, when I am in my house, I have dinner with my family, then of dinner, I take a shower, I brush my teeth, I get undressed and then sometimes I watch TV, if I don't watch TV is sure that I watch a English film or  I talk with my friends by my smartphone, and to finish my routine I go to bed!


PS: It is sure that my routine have errors gramatical, I am sorry! I will correct this routine when Marta correct me.

See you soon!

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    1. 😶𝕊𝕚𝕟 𝕡𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕚 𝕤𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕠 𝕝𝕠 𝕢𝕦𝕖. ℕ𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕥𝕒𝕓𝕒𝕞𝕠𝕤👍
